Care Home Fees

When it comes to care home fees, the Kirby Grange team aims to be as transparent and helpful as possible. We understand that paying for care can be challenging, which is why Kirby Grange provides quality support and advice to our residents and their relatives to help and support in any way possible.

At Kirby Grange, there are three ways in which fees can be paid –

  1. The fees are paid in full by the resident’s Local Authority
  2. The resident’s family pay a ‘top-up’ in addition to the Local Authority fees their relative receives
  3. The fees are solely privately funded

Deciding that a relative needs to receive care can often happen quite quickly and for many families, financial arrangements may not be in place. We commit to doing everything we can to support residents and their families in these situations and for some privately funded residents, we can defer payment of fees for a period of time in order to allow for financial arrangements to be made.

We are open and transparent in all matters including finances and we try as far as possible to make our fees cover all elements of the following:


Our accommodation includes:

  • All furniture (although residents can bring their own)
  • Bedding and towels
  • Heat, light and power
  • Cleaning of resident’s room and communal areas
  • Washing of clothes and bedding (excluding dry cleaning)
  • Maintenance of gardens and property content


This will include:

  • All personal care
  • Administration of medications
  • All drinks and food including snacks – for example, if a resident would like wine with a meal, then this can be provided
  • Administration including the preparation, reviewing and updating of resident’s records including their care plan and liaison with healthcare and Social Services professionals
  • All ‘in-house’ activities including visiting entertainers

Whilst we try and include as much as possible within the accommodation and care fees, there are some items and services which vary according to a resident’s wishes and are therefore charged separately. Some of these items and services include:

  • Hairdressing, chiropody, optician, beauticians
  • Magazines/newspapers
  • Personal toiletries and items such as cigarettes etc
  • Clothes
  • Dry cleaning
  • Some external visits/trips
  • For privately funded residents, some specialist items of furniture or other specialist equipment (when possible we will get these on loan from a Local Authority)

Our fees are calculated based on two factors; accommodation costs and the cost of care.

Accommodation costs

Accommodation costs relate to the size of the room and the facilities included. Kirby Grange offers a wide range of rooms including single rooms, single en-suite rooms, large rooms and rooms for couples. All of our rooms are decorated and furnished to a high standard and are personalisable so that residents can feel comfortable and relaxed in their new home.

Care costs

The cost of care is reflective of the personal requirements of each individual resident.

For example, a resident with poor mobility would require more support than a resident who is independently mobile. Our care home manager can help you establish the cost of care based on your needs.

As mentioned above, fees are dependent on the choice of room and care needs so fees tend to vary for most residents. However, the following can be used as a basic guideline of our fees:

  • A room without an en-suite and for a resident with good mobility will cost around £1300 a week
  • For a similar room but where the resident requires a higher level of care due to mobility or cognitive constraints, fees may be higher
  • An en-suite room for a resident with good mobility will cost from £1400 a week and upwards. These fees may be £50 to £100 per week higher if the room is larger than average and/or has a private wet room
  • For a large-sized ensuite room, fees start from £1500 per week and can vary again depending on a resident’s specific care needs

Fees are charged on a monthly basis and paid in advance (preferably by standing order). On admission, we do request that fees are paid up to the end of the month of admission, and, if admission is after the 15th of a month, we request that the fees for the next calendar month are paid at the same time.

Any additional charges (for example, hairdresser, beautician, etc) will be invoiced monthly in arrears.

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